Work with the browser, not against it
Heydon Pickering and Andy Bell really won my heart with Every Layout. I always strive to reduce media queries, and here come these guys saying…
“By designing to ideal element dimensions, and tolerating reasonable variance, you can essentially do away with @media breakpoints.”
“It’s important we use content rather than device based @media queries. That is, we should intervene anywhere the content needs reconfiguration, rather than adhering to arbitrary widths like 720px and 1024px. The massive proliferation of devices means there’s no real set of standard dimensions to design for.”
I’ve experimented with various ways to make CSS more… automatic? (or scalable) with SCSS and B.E.M. and Styled Components and everything in between, but nothing has changed the way I think about CSS more than this book. Algorithmic design ya’ll!
I stalked Heydon’s online presence pretty heavily after I found this work, and I have to say I don’t regret it. He has definitely put some inspiring stuff out there! Check. It. Out.